Piano Lessons

Fallen Lola Amour Piano Tutorial

In this article, you will learn how to play Fallen. The part that will be learning will be the Chords of the song and how to play it in the keyboard piano.

Fallen is a song by Lola Amour – a band in the Philippines that their name came from the lead vocal’s grandmother. This song has also an extended version with more instrumental on intro part. Their songs has this brass sound from their saxophone and trumpet combined with funky electric guitar riffs and subtle keyboard sounds that makes them distinct to other bands. The extended version of this song is often heard in tiktok.

We will discuss the tutorial in 2 parts, the original version and the extended version.

On the original version, the song starts with the signature sound and the most recognizeable sound on the song. Then it will go to verse, which consists of only piano with its riffs after the end of the line except on the last line. on the chorus part, the brass section will only be heard from the 3rd line. Repeat again from the intro then verse and chorus. The next part is the bridge to the end of the song. There is another sound progression – a melody of brass section that is heard until the end of the song.

Alternatively, on the extended version the intro is much more longer. The intro took longer than a minute including the intro on the original version. It will go on verse, again, only piano with its riffs on the 3rd line only. Then the song will continue like the usual on the original version except with some subtle changes in piano riffs in bridge to ending part.

How to play Fallen in Keyboard Piano

Throughout the song these are the chords most of the time – DM9 – C#m7 – F#m7.


For keyboard part, DM9 – C#m7 – F#m7 are the chords on the intro. Repeat 4 times. On brass section, the notes are the following: D E C#, A B A. Repeat 4 times and in sync with the chords on the keyboard part.

D Note
E Note
C# Note
A Note
B Note

On the extended version, The chords is a litte different. The first part is: DM9 – C#m7#5 – F#m7. One drop per chord. Then it will go back to the original chord progression DM9 – C#m7 – F#m7. Still one drop per chord except in the F#m7 which is 8 times with syncopated on the 7th time. There are pauses in the extended intro, I will show it where are pauses below.

After 4 loops of the chord progression, the brass sound notes is as follows:

(E C# B C# B A E(lower oct) B A)

(E C# B C# B A E(lower oct) B A) (C# E)

(E C# B C# B A E(lower oct) B) pause (C#-B-A)

(E C# B C# B A E(lower oct)) x3 (E(lower oct) B A)

(E(lower oct) B A) x5 pause

(A) (E(lower oct) B A)

(A) pause x3

(D E) x7 speed increases after 2 loop

(E E E E E) pause

After these all notes on brass, the extended version is now ended. Now, you will connect the intro from the original one and the song will start from here.

The chords for verse are same as the intro: DM9, C#m7, F#m7. The verse starts on electric piano only. For the original version, there are piano riffs on this. On first line, the notes are: C# E D C# A. The seconde line the notes are: E F# G# A G# A E. The third line goes like this: A B C# D C# B A C# B A. On the last line, there are no riff so just to the chord progression. For the extended version, only the third line has the piano riff. E B F#-G# E B(lower) C# B(lower) A(lower).

The chorus on keyboard still does the same chords as the verse. The only difference is at the third line of chorus, the chords will be difference. You will repeat the DM9 C#m7 F#m7 for 2 times. Then on the third line, the first two chords is still the same but the third is different and there is another chords. Therefore the chords will be 4 and they are: DM9, C#m7, DM9 and AM9. The last line is still the typical chord progressions.

On the brass part of chorus, on the lyrics “I’m Ok with you by your side”, these notes are perfomed: (A) (B (C#) (E) (C#) (B C# B A).

After the chorus, Intro will commence once again. Intro is exactly the same witht the first one. On the Verse of this part, the riffs performed on the first and second line are still as is but on the second, the F#m7 part will have 4 pauses. The 3rd and 4th are chords only, no riffs.

The pre-chorus will enter for the first time on this part. The chords are only two – DM9 and F#m7 (2 drops for the first 2 lines). Repeat 4 times. On the 4th line there is build-up so you will tap the chords in sync with the other instruments. On the 2nd chorus, DM9 is not perfomed on the first line. Just do C#m7 and F#m7. then continue like the first chorus but on this part (DM9, C#m7, DM9, AM9), you will play B and A on the AM9 chord for the original version.

On the last part, DM9 AM9 are only chords until the intro/outro part. On brass, repeat the note progression for 2 times (A F# E F# A F# E F#) (A, F# E F# A) then on first loop, (B C# E C# E). Repeat the note progression until the intro part. The song ends on the outro.

I hope you liked this tutorial, if you are confused, just refer on my video below and you can perform the song after you watched the video. Enjoy!