OPM Archives - Sure Chords https://surechords.com/category/opm/ Accurate Lyrics and Chords Mon, 06 Nov 2023 14:52:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://surechords.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/cropped-SURE-CHORDS-32x32.png OPM Archives - Sure Chords https://surechords.com/category/opm/ 32 32 Sa Susunod na Habang Buhay Piano Tutorial https://surechords.com/2023/11/06/sa-susunod-na-habang-buhay-piano-tutorial/ Mon, 06 Nov 2023 14:49:35 +0000 https://surechords.com/?p=1349 In this article, you will learn how to play Sa Susunod na Habang Buhay. The part that will be learning will be the Chords of the song with the exact melodies from the song. Released on 2020, Sa Susunod na …

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In this article, you will learn how to play Sa Susunod na Habang Buhay. The part that will be learning will be the Chords of the song with the exact melodies from the song.

Released on 2020, Sa Susunod na Habang Buhay is sung by Ben&Ben – a 9-piece OPM Band that is on the circulation since 2017. Their style on their songs is a combination of folk, pop and poprock genres. You will hear guitar riffs that is sounded folk including the percussions excluding drums. Their electric guitar solos is packed with rock style riffs so when you hear their songs, it’s new to ears because of its genre fusion.

The song starts by the melody of the piano with bass drums and percussions. The piano on the verse part is 1 chords per bar. and only subly heard. Of course the vocals are now in action. There is a pad sound on the other parts of the song. The violin enters in the middle part of the song. When it comes to the guitar solo, you will notice that the sound has increased its dynamics especially in the last chorus. The song will end on a chorus-like part but with piano, violin only until the last moment which also has cymbals.

How to play Sa Susunod na Habang Buhay in Keyboard Piano

The song is not as hard as it seems. You can start by learning the chords of the song in Piano first. Next to focus on is the melodies. Lastly, the synth pad part combining the piano. For this part, your keyboard must have a split/layer feature to do this. Much better if you can adjust the volume of the second sound while performing the appearance of the pad. If not, you can just do the piano part.


The intro is split in to to parts, the left (chords) and the right (melody) side. On the left side, there are only 4 chords: G F#m Em D. You will repeat this 4 times. For the melody part, it is recommended that you also press the octave of the notes. Will show this later.

Left Hand G Chord

Left Hand F#m Chord

Left Hand Em Chord

Left Hand D Chord

You will notice that I have only used 2 notes of the triad. The first and the fifth. The reason that I’m not doing a triad on the left hand because since the sound is at the bass part, adding the third will make the sound ‘muddy’.

For the right hand melody of the intro, these are the notes respectively: (D – E – F#) (D – C# – B – A – F#)

Right Hand D Note

Right Hand E Note

Right Hand F# Note

Right Hand D Note

Right Hand C# Note

Right Hand B Note

Right Hand A Note

Right Hand F# Note

Along with the chord, you will do this melody 4 times. However, on the fourth time, you are only doing the half of it because in the song, the guitar will do the other half of the intro. So the notes are only (D – E – F#) (D).


The verse part, you only needed to do the chords of the part. No melodies/riffs on this part yet. The chords are the following: GM7 F#m Em D. As you can see, the chords are the similart to intro. The only exception is you will also do the chords on the right hand as well.


The easy part on this part of the song is you will only have to play 1 chords. And that chord is the G Chord. This is where the melody of the piano will be done. Do the first drop of the G Chord (Left and Right Hands) then perform the melody (B – C#) (E – F#) (D). The first two notes must be done in the higher part of the keyboard. While the next notes must be done in the lower octave than the first. On the last note (D), this is where your layered pad will be inserted. After this melody, you only gonna to G until the Chorus part.


The chords used in the chorus are the following: D F#m Bm7 G Em Bm. When you do the D chord, the layered pad must also performed here as well. Then you will do the intro again. But the difference is the chord on the left side will be only D chord and F#m. So it’s 1/4 shorter than the first intro. When you do the chorus on the second time, no need to do the intro since the guitar solo will take place.

Guitar Solo

This is a bit different from the Chorus. The chords are the following, D F#m Bm7 A F#m G. You will do this on the left and right hand side. No melodies on your piano part here. After this solo, the part is chorus-like but the chords are different. The difference are from the start and end chords only. The chords are: G F#m Bm7 G Em A

Last Chorus

The last chorus is different from the first two chorus. This chorus has an additional chords. There are two additional chords which is F#m and G. Therefore the chord progression of this final chorus are the following (the additional chords are highlight by bold format): D F#m Bm7 G Em Bm F#m G. At the G part, there is a drop for about 9 times. So the G chords will be tapped or pressed 9 times before going to the next and last part of this song.

Last Part

On the part with lyrics “Ikaw parin”, it is a D chord but if you hear the song, there is no instrument or piano sound of chord. The sound is a melody. The descending melodies are (C# – B – A ). The next part will have no piano sound at all. On the lyric “Sa susunod na habang buhay”, there is a piano notes that is played at the same time on the words “habang bu”. The notes are the same on the voice notes. When uttered the syllable “hay” from “habang buhay”, do the D triad chord on the left side with melodies on the triad played in exact order: (D – F# – A) (D – A) (F# – A).

In order for you to understand the tutorial visually, I will share my video tutorial on this below. If you follow my instructions, you can play it the same as Pat of Ben&Ben plays it. How you enjoy this article.

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Raining in Manila in Piano Tutorial (with Chords) https://surechords.com/2023/11/04/raining-in-manila-in-piano-tutorial-with-chords/ Sat, 04 Nov 2023 11:48:17 +0000 https://surechords.com/?p=1318 In this article, you will learn how to play Raining in Manila. The part that will be learning will be the Chords of the song and how to play it in the keyboard piano. Raining in Manila is a song …

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In this article, you will learn how to play Raining in Manila. The part that will be learning will be the Chords of the song and how to play it in the keyboard piano.

Raining in Manila is a song by Lola Amour – a band in the Philippines that their name came from the lead vocal’s grandmother. Their songs has this brass sound from their saxophone and trumpet combined with funky electric guitar riffs and subtle keyboard sounds that makes them distinct to other bands. This song has gone viral online since its release in the rainy season in the Philippines. Every tiktok video related to the rain and floods has set their background music of this song.

The song starts by the keyboardist playing at the intro. After two times, the band will enter and their catchy part of the song now started. If you hear the song from the verse, the keyboard sound will be heard there then after 2 lines of stanza, the brass section now appears. The brass comes every now and then throughout the song especially when it comes to the instrumental part. There are 3 sections in the instrumental part: the ensemble, the slow part for saxophone and the fast part for the trumpet. It will go back to pre-chorus then go to the last chorus part.

How to play Raining in Manila in Keyboard Piano

You can refer on my video regarding the timing but the notes are what they are.

Intro (Keyboard):

On the right hand, the starting notes are the following:

F# (3x)




and repeat it but at an extra F# note.

On the left hand, the are the following:

E Chord (E and B notes):

F# Chord (F# and C# notes):

G#m Chord (G# and D# notes):

Combine the left hand chord and the right hand notes. Repeat 4x. After these there are still 2x repeat with the brass section and you can just do the chords on boths sides of the hands. Altenately, you can split the brass on the upper side and the keyboard sound on the lower side to do both sounds at the same time.

Intro (Brass):

The brass section will appear after the intro of keyboard 4 times. This will also serve as the first two parts of the chorus. The notable difference of the intro and the chorus is the timing of the pause. At intro, the pause comes after the word “babalik”. At chorus, the pause will be at the 2nd line which is the “when it’s been” and the drop will be on the word “raining”.

The notes can be based from the above images. The notes are the following:

F# – C# – D# | D# – C# – D#

Note that you can want to do this part, you can either split the sounds on your keyboard or if you have another keyboard player, that person can play one of these parts.


The verse 1 and even verse 2 in keyboard part starts with the EM7 and G#m Chord while doing (dut-dut-dut-dut dut-dut dut-dut-dut) style of comping in piano (please also refer on my youtube tutorial on this). Do this 2 times. Before the 2nd G#m, the brass part will enter the scene. Notes descending (G#-F#-D# D#-C#-B-C#-D#). On the second time, the notes are in these combination (G#-F#-D#-C#-B-G#(low oct) B). Then lastly (B-C#-G#).


The chords in Keyboard are: EM7, A7, G#m7, C#7, C#m7 then E/F#. when doing the E/F# chord, it should be tapped 5 times (bam-bam-bam-bam-bam). Before going to chorus, there is a passing chord after the 5 bams of E/F# chord then bam the E/F.

The brass notes according to the line with the corresponding chords are the following:

EM7 (B-C#-D#)

A7 (C#)

G#m7 (B)

C#7 (D#-C#-B)

C#m7 (B)

E/F# (B) – also 5 times

E/F (B) – 1 time


Using the chords of the intro for 3 times and also the brass notes these are these combinations:

EM7 (F#)

F# (C#)

G#m (D#)

But at the third time, there is a delay then drop the chord/notes above. After this, the chord changes a bit when at the part of “Pag wala ang mga tala”. The chords are, EM7, F#, Gdim, G#m7. No brass at this part.

Then at C#7 chord, there are notes on brass (G#-A#-B). On C#m7 and E/F# (B). Before going to verse 2, there is a one last drop of E/F# and (B) note.

Verse 2 (Brass):

The brass notes according to the line with the corresponding chords in Verse 2 after the 2 line with Keyboard are the following:

(G#-F# D#-C# C#-B G#-B)

(F#-G# B-C#-D#-C#-B B)

Then there goes the part where the brass are non-stop playing:

EM7 (B-B-C#-B D#-B)

(F#-G#) G#m

EM7 (B-B B-C#-D#-F#-C#-B B)

(B-B-C#-B B-B B-C#-B-F#-D#-C#-B) G#m

Repeat the Pre-Chorus and Chorus again but this time, there is a drop 5 times at the chord E/F# (B) then 1 time with E/F (C#). We are now entering to the instrumental part. The drops and the instrumental are connected.


The instrumental can be divided into 3 parts – the first part (Brass), the slow part (Saxophone) then the fast part (Trumpet). The first progression are repeated 2 times but there are 3 notes (C#-D#-F#) in between the first loop and the second loop. After the slow part, the song will go back to Pre-Chorus then the last Chorus.

First Part:

EM7 (D# F#-D#-C#-B)

F# (F#-G#-B-C#)

Gdim (F#-D#-C#-B)

G#m (F#-G#-B-C#)

(C#-D#-F#) EM7 (F#-D#-C#-B)

F# (F#-G#-B-C#)

Gdim (F#-D#-C#-B)

G#m (F#-G#-B-C#)

Slow Part:

(G#-B-C#-D#) (F#-D#)

(G#(high) G#-F#-F) (F#-F) (F#-F) (descend)(D#-C#) (A#-G#) (F#-E)

(D#-C#) (B-C#-D#) (D#-F#-G#-F#-G#-A#) (C#-B-A#-G#-F#-C#-A#)


Fast Part:

(B-C#-D#) (F#-F#-F#-F#-F#) (D#-D#-F#-F#)

(F#-F#-F#-F#-F#) (F#-F#-G#-G#)

(F#-F#-F#-F#) (descend)(F#-G#-F#) (D#-C#-B-G#) (F#) (D#-C#-B)


(G#-B-C#-D#) (F#-G#-F#) (F#(high))

Tag(on Last Chorus):

This is the part after the 3 lines of chorus and has no brass part. The lyrics on this part are “Andyan lang ang mga tala”. The chords are: EM7, F#, Gdim, G#m7. Repeat 2 times. Then repeat the at C#7 chord, there are notes on brass (G#-A#-B). next is “Saan mang sulok ng mundo” chords is C#m7. Lastly, the E/F# (B) combination will have a 5 times drop and the song will end abruptly.

That’s it! You can now play the song Raining in Manila, for reference, I will also include my video tutorial on Keyboard and Brass. Enjoy practicing!

Raining in Manila Keyboard Tutorial
Raining in Manila Brass Tutorial

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Salamat – The Dawn https://surechords.com/2022/09/03/salamat-the-dawn/ Sat, 03 Sep 2022 14:30:23 +0000 https://surechords.com/?p=1039 The post Salamat – The Dawn appeared first on Sure Chords.


Intro: x4

Salamat, tayo’y nagkasamang muli
Salamat at may gabing nakalaan sa kaunting kasiyahan.

Repeat Intro x2

Salamat, tayo’y nagkasamang muli
Salamat at sa pagpawi ng uhaw ay may darating na araw.

Kaytamis ng ating samahan sa lungkot at kaligayahan
Tunay na kaibigan, kasamang maasahan
Salamat,(salamat) at tayo’y may pinagsamahan
Salamat, tunay kong kaibigan


Chorus 2:
Kaytamis ng ating samahan sa lungkot at kaligayahan
Tunay na kaibigan, kasamang maasahan
Salamat,(salamat) at tayo’y may pinagsamahan
Salamat, tunay kong kaibigan
Salamat,(salamat) at tayo’y may pinagsamahan
Salamat, kaibigang walang kapantay
Salamat sa’yo, kaibigan ko
Salamat sa’yo, salamat sa ’yo

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Hindi na nga – This Band https://surechords.com/2022/07/19/hindi-na-nga-this-band/ Tue, 19 Jul 2022 02:59:58 +0000 https://surechords.com/?p=975 The post Hindi na nga – This Band appeared first on Sure Chords.


(Chords that are stuck together means it is a slash chord) e.g

Intro: x2

Ang lahat ay nagbabago
Ganon din ang puso ko
Di alam kung paano aamin
Kung dapat bang sabihin to

Ngunit kailangan nang tapangan
At sabihin ang nararapat
Na hindi na nga
Hindi na nga

Alam kong mali na
Pero di ko kayang bumitaw
Ika’y masasaktan
Dahil pangako ko’y walang iwanan
Alam kong huli na
Alam kong hindi na nga mahal

Verse 2:
Oh ilang beses din sinubukan
Pinilit ang nararamdam
Pero kulang
May kulang

Natatakot na malaman
Natatakot na iyong huhusgahan
Na hindi na nga
Hindi na nga

Repeat Chorus

Solo: x2

Alam kong huli na
Alam kong mali na
Alam kong huli na
Alam kong mali na

Repeat Chorus

Hindi na nga mahal
Hindi ka na mahal

Ang lahat ay nagbabago
Ganon din ang puso ko

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Mahal pa rin kita – Rockstarr https://surechords.com/2022/07/01/mahal-pa-rin-kita-rockstarr/ Fri, 01 Jul 2022 06:40:42 +0000 https://surechords.com/?p=939 The post Mahal pa rin kita – Rockstarr appeared first on Sure Chords.



Di maamin ang damdamin
Na ngayo’y wala ka na sa aking piling
Araw-araw ang dalangin
Ay mayakap kang muli at maangkin

Ngunit pa’no nga ba
Ang pag-ibig mo’y magbabalik
Batid ko na nasaktan kita nang labis
At sinabi ko sa ’yo
Na kaya kong limutin ka
Bakit ngayon’y hinahanap kita

Ikaw pa rin ang nais ko
Damang-dama ng puso ko
Mahirap na dayain ang isip at damdamin
Ikaw pa rin ang hanap ko
Mapapatawad mo ba ako
Muli't muling sasambitin
Sinisigaw ng damdamin
Mahal pa rin kita, o giliw ko

Verse 2:
Alaala ang kasama
Mga sandaling dati anong saya
Pinipilit na limutin
Bakit di maamin na wala ka na

Repeat Pre-Chorus

Repeat Chorus



Chorus Modulated:
Ikaw pa rin ang nais ko
Damang-dama ng puso ko
Mahirap na dayain ang isip at damdamin
Ikaw pa rin ang hanap ko
Mapapatawad mo ba ako
Muli't muling sasambitin
Sinisigaw ng damdamin
Mahal pa rin kita, o giliw ko

Coda: Fade

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Parting Time – Rockstarr https://surechords.com/2022/07/01/parting-time-rockstarr/ Fri, 01 Jul 2022 04:40:19 +0000 https://surechords.com/?p=937 The post Parting Time – Rockstarr appeared first on Sure Chords.


(Chords that are stuck together means it is a slash chord) e.g


Verse 1:
I remember the days
When you’re here with me
Those laughter and tears
We shared for years
Mem’ries that we had
For so long it’s me and you
Now you’re gone away
You left me all alone

↑is the key for this part
Go on, do what you want
But please don’t leave me
You’ll break my heart
Hey, what should I do
Babe, I’m missin’ you
Please don’t disappear
These are the words that you should hear

Refrain: (Back to Original Key)
Time and time again
I wish that you were here

Chords for Chorus:

↑quick change from 1st to 2nd chord

I don’t wanna lose you girl
F#m D-E
I need you back to me
I don’t wanna lose you
Baby can’t you see
Oh, I need you
You’ve been a part of me
I wish someday you’ll be back home
’Cause I really miss you
Dar ling, please come home

Solo: x3

I wish someday you’ll be back home
’Cause I really miss you
Dar ling, please come home


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Duyan – Sarah G https://surechords.com/2022/06/27/duyan-sarah-g/ Mon, 27 Jun 2022 06:01:11 +0000 https://surechords.com/?p=915 The post Duyan – Sarah G appeared first on Sure Chords.


(Chords that are stuck together means it is a slash chord) e.g

Yeah… hey…OoohhChh…

Verse 1:
Parang may ulap sa ‘king mga paa
T’wing mumulat aking mga mata
Mamasdan ang ‘yong pagkahimbing
Ang iyong paghingang kay lambing

Verse 2:
At paggising ay maghawak kamay
Yumakap ka’t tayo’y sumayaw kasabay
Ng ritmo, kumpas at pintig
Ng tugtog dito sa’king dibdib

Ako ay iduyan mo
Ang bisig mo’y unan ko
Dahan dahang kumakampay habang nakadantay
Magkayakap sa bawat imbay

Ako ay iduyan mo
Ikaw ang kanlungan ko
Wala na ‘kong nanaisin pa, kundi ang makapiling ka
At umugoy sabay sa indayog ng duyan

Verse 3:
Parang musika ang naririnig
Tuwing “mahal kita’y” mamumutawi sa iyong bibig
Pabulong mo pang sinasambit
Tila bumabagal ang bawat saglit

Nakailang hiling na rin sa tuwing darating
Ang dumadalaw na bulalakaw
Kung maaari bang dumating ang tulad mo’t
Magmistulang araw
At magbigay ng sigla
Ngayon sa buhay ko’y nariyan ka na

Ako ay iduyan mo
Ang bisig mo’y unan ko
Dahan dahang kumakampay habang nakadantay
Magkayakap sa bawat imbay

Ako ay iduyan mo
Ikaw ang kanlungan ko
Wala na ‘kong nanaisin pa, kundi ang makapiling ka
At umugoy sabay sa indayog ng duyan

Pakiramdam ay langit
Iingatan ko hanggang sa kahit tayo’y
Tumanda na at lumipas na
Pag-ibig ay niningas pa
Ngayon at kailan pa man


Doo roo roo roo roo oohhh…
Doo roo roo oohhh…
Oohhh… oohhh…

Ako ay iduyan mo
Ang bisig mo’y unan ko
Dahan dahang kumakampay habang nakadantay
Magkayakap sa bawat imbay

Ako ay iduyan mo
Ikaw ang kanlungan ko
Wala na ‘kong nanaisin pa, kundi ang makapiling ka
At umugoy sabay sa indayog ng duyan
Ohhh…O duyan mo

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KLWKN Wish 107.5 Version – Music Hero https://surechords.com/2022/06/26/klwkn-wish-107-5-version-music-hero/ Sun, 26 Jun 2022 14:28:27 +0000 https://surechords.com/?p=911 The post KLWKN Wish 107.5 Version – Music Hero appeared first on Sure Chords.


(Chords that are stuck together means it is a slash chord) e.g

O kay sarap sa ilalim ng kalawakan
Kapag kapiling kang tumitig sa kawalan
Saksi ang buwan at bituin sa pagmamahalan
Nating dalawa, nating dalawa

Verse 1:
Tanaw parin kita sinta
Kay layo ma’y nagniningning
Mistula kang tala sa tuwing nakakasama ka
lumiliwanag ang daan

Pre-Chorus 1:
Kislap ng yung mga mata
‘Pag ikaw ang kasabay puso’y napapalagay
Gabi’y tumatamis tuwing hawak ko ang iyong kamay

Repeat Chorus

Verse 2:
Simoy ng hangin na kay lamig sa katawan
Daig parin ng liyab na aking nararamdaman
Sa tuwing tayo’y magkabilang mundo
Isang tingin ko lang sa buwan napalapit narin sa iyo

Pre-Chorus 2:
Langit ay nakangiti nag-aabang sa sandali
Buong paligid ay nasasabik sa’ting halik

O kay sarap sa ilalim ng kalawakan
Kapag kapiling kang tumitig sa kawalan
Saksi ang buwan at bituin sa pagmamahalan
Nating dalawa, nating dalawa


Last Chorus:
O kay sarap sa ilalim ng kalawakan
Kapag kapiling kang tumitig sa kawalan
Saksi ang buwan at bituin sa pagmamahalan
Nating dalawa, nating dalawa

Halika na sa ilalim ng kalawakan
Samahan mo ako tumitig sa kawalan
Saksi ang buwan at bituin sa pagmamahalan
Nating dalawa, nating dalawa


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Paubaya – Moira dela Torre https://surechords.com/2022/06/26/paubaya-moira-dela-torre/ Sun, 26 Jun 2022 04:11:09 +0000 https://surechords.com/?p=909 The post Paubaya – Moira dela Torre appeared first on Sure Chords.


(Chords that are stuck together means it is a slash chord) e.g

Verse 1:
Saan nagsimulang mag bago ang lahat
Kailan, nung ako’y di na naging sapat?
Ba’t di mo sinabi nung una pa lang
Ako ang kailangan, pero di ang mahal


Verse 2:
Saan nag kulang ang aking pagmamahal?
Lahat ay binigay, nang mapangiti ka lang
Ba’t di ko nakita na ayaw mo na?
Ako ang kasama, pero hanap mo siya

At kung masaya ka sa piling niya
Hindi ko na pipilit pa
Ang tanging hiling ko lang sakanya
Wag kang paluhain, at alagaan ka niya

Verse 3
Saan natigil ang pagiging totoo
Sa tuwing mababanggit na mahal mo ako
Ba’t di mo inamin na merong iba?
Ako ang kayakap, pero isip mo siya

Repeat Chorus


Ba’t di ko naisip na merong hanggan
Ako yung nauna,
pero siya ang wakas

At kita naman sayong mga mata
Kung bakit pinili mo siya
Mahirap labanan ang tinadhana
Pinapaubaya, ko na sa kanya

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