List of things Sure Chords provides for our visitors:

  • To provide chords of a song that the author learned then shared and nothing more
  • To provide Piano Lessons from the playing style of the author
  • We credit the respective artist by providing the complete song title and artist name on EVERY song chords title that is created

List of things Sure Chords does NOT provide or encourage to our users:

  • Illegal sharing of the respective artists original work or any other parts of a song which is owned by the particular artist and record labels
  • We DO NOT provide links on our website going to other websites containing illegal files that may violate any copyright law

The sole purpose lyrics are posted on this website is only to provide a better user experience for our website visitor in order for them to refer to the songs that has accurately provided chords be ready to play.

More information can be found on our Privacy Policy. We will NEVER monetize Sure Chords by sharing illegal music or anything that would break the respective copyright law.

It is necessary to monetize this website for its longevity to help people look for songs that has well-provided songs consistently and to learn how to play the piano without reading notes.